Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Making a maintainable new library of legacy snippets

I recently went through a typical exercise of integrating an existing implementation from a legacy component into a new component with a cleaner API and higher level of functionality. The legacy component interfaced a OPC library and used a lot of magic numbers, memory offsets, type conversions etc.  The existing component did not have functions for systematic reconnect, subscribe group status, book keeping for multiple groups etc. The existing code does everything necessary, but the code is not organized to have a clean higher level API. The code is also pretty fragile. If you make changes and then suddenly find that something has stopped working, you have hours of tedious debugging ahead of you.

A typical scenario where you normally would copy/paste from the older code base and end up with snippets here and there in your code which would have dependencies to arbitrary components. And, if you were to create unit tests, they would only mirror the production code and basically be redundant.

I decided to do it differently and I am happy with the result. The process may seem like over engineering, but it didn’t feel like it while doing it nor do I feel that the components are difficult to change.

The first challenge was to identify snippets. I do not plan to put those snippets under tests. It’s black magic. But I do plan on testing them.


So I extract the snippets


EDIT! The arrow should be pointing from legacy snippets towards the adapter, obviously

Now I run Online tester, which operates on the live system. I have functions such as:

  • Add member
  • Create Group
  • Change Group status
  • Remove Member

If I try to add members without taking the group offline first, the app will crash. The point of this exercise is to discover the “rules” of the Adapter. These are rules at the correct level of abstractions and they have a natural place in unit tests. How the legacy snippets actually go about taking the group offline, is not my concern and can only be meaningfully tested against the live system anyhow. There is automated testing done through this app, but they are integration tests and must be set up and kicked off manually.


EDIT! The arrow should be pointing from legacy snippets towards the adapter, obviously

This is the result. I have now five projects instead of one (not counting any client) but I feel that I have harnessed the legacy snippets to serve any new component that comes along. Whenever a new version of the live system is released, I need to retest the legacy code, but I do not have to permutate  through various compositions of those snippets to confirm validity of utility functions, as that is covered in the unit tests. I rarely do any change to the Ugly Legacy Code (ULC, pronounced ulcer, he he).

The Helper function library is growing quite substantially and with clean unit tests. I have successfully harnessed, and extended upon, a complete mess of a code.

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